Think of an unhappy situation when you were upset but somebody helped you overcome your bad time. In your writing, mention the following things.

Think of an unhappy situation when you were upset but somebody helped you overcome your bad time. In your writing, mention the following things.
What was the occurrence?

  • How did you feel?
  • Who consoled you?
  • What language he/she used?
  • How did he/she help you to overcome that situation?


Nina: Hello, Rahul! I’m so excited to hear that your new album of Lalon’s songs has been a hit!
Congratulations, my friend!

Rahul: Thanks a lot, Nina. I can’t tell you how happy I am!

Nina: You are most welcome dear. I’m also happy.

I felt very happy that day. In fact, I couldn’t believe it. I will always remember that day. My family members, my teachers, some of my friends also warmly congratulated me for my success.

A situation when I did something brilliant and somebody congratulated.


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