Honors 2nd Year History of English Literature Suggestion

Honors 2nd Year History of English Literature Suggestion 2024

Honors 2nd Year History of English Literature Suggestion,History of English Literature Suggestion PDF, Honors History of English Literature Suggestion,History of English Literature Honors 2nd Year Exam Suggestion PDF

ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ সাজেশন 2024

জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অনার্স পাস এবং সার্টিফিকেট কোর্স ২য় বর্ষের
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[২০১৩-১৪ এর সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী]
ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস (History of English Literature) সুপার সাজেশন
Department of : English & Other Department
Subject Code: 221107
2024 এর অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের ১০০% কমন সাজেশন

ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ সাজেশন, চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস, অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস ব্যতিক্রম সাজেশন pdf, অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের ১০০% কমন ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস সাজেশন

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অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস সাজেশন 2024

Course: History of English Literature


  1. When did the Old English Period begin?
  2. What kind of work is ‘Beowulf”?
  3. What is The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles”?
  4. Why is the year 1066 important in the study of English literary history?
  5. Who was Caedmon? 6. Who is called the father of English poetry?
  6. Name some contemporary poets of Chaucer.
  7. What is Black Death? 9. What is The Canterbury Tales”?
  8. How many pilgrims were going to Canterbury Church?
  9. What is the name of the Inn where the pilgrims took rest?
  10. What is a morality play!
  11. What is Piers Plowman?
  12. What is Protestantism?
  13. What is Reformation?
  14. Who was Cromwell?
  15. Who is the first translator of the Bible?
  16. What is Catholicism?
  17. Who is Martin Luther King!
  18. What is Renaissance?
  19. What kind of movement was English Renaissance?
  20. What do you mean by Tragi-comedy?
  21. What is ‘Utopia”? 24. Which age is known as the age of decadence?
  22. Who is Sir Philip Sidney?
  23. What is Arcadia”?
  24. What is Humanism?
  25. Who were the metaphysical poets!
  26. Who was known as the father of English Dictionary?
  27. Which age is called the Golden Age of English literature?
  28. What is Puritanism?
  29. Who are called Cavalier Poets?
  30. What is Globe Theatre?
  31. When did the Restoration take place and who was restored to English throne?
  32. What is Comedy of Humors?
  33. Who wrote Morten Arthur?
  34. Which age is known as Augustan Age in English literature?
  35. What is Comedy of Manners? 39. Who popularized the Comedy of Manners’?

Part-B Oedipus Rex

1) in which situation did Oedipus kill his father? 2) What was the prophecy of Tiresias about Oedipus!

3) What did fate do in Oedipus Rear”?

4) Provide a brief account of the encounter between Oedipus and Tiresias As You Like It

5) How does Orlando save Oliver’s life in the Forest of Arden?

6) Brierley describe the sub-plot in You Like I.

7) Why does Orland write verses!

8) Describe the fight in which Charles was defeated by Orlando Arms and the Man

9) Why is Armandie Man called an anti-romantic comedy

10) Why does Bluntschli compare Sighs to Don Quixote?

11) What farcical elements do you find in trms and the Mun”

12) What is higher laved? Explain it according to G. B. Shaw

13) What is Raina’s view on killing the fugitives?

14) Who embodies life force in Arms and the Aten?

15) Was Bluntschli really a gentleman? How? Riders to the Sea

16) What supernatural elements done .M. Synge use in Rudders to the Sac?

17) How do Nora and Cathleen become sure about the clothes of Michael?

18) Hoc do Nora and Cathleen serve the purpose of the chorus! 19) What is the fear fullest things seen by Maura!

20) Explain Maura as a tragic character.

21) Is the sea in the “Rulers to the Sea the representative of fate! The Lion and the Jewel

22) Why does Side marry Baraka at the end of the play The Lion and the Jews/

23) Why according to Side. does Baraka want to marry her! 24) Who or what is being satin zed in The Lion and the Jewel

25) How doe Baraka seduce Side?

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Part-C Oedipus Rex

  1. Discuss We dipus Rex ‘as a tragedy of late.
  2. Discuss the role and function of chorus in Oedipus Rex
  3. Consider the protagonist of Denim Rex ‘as a tragic biro. As You Like It
  4. Find out the romantic Clements in As You Likely

S. Communing on Shakespeare’s use of wit and humor in As You Like Arms and the Man

  1. Evaluate Arms amyl the Alana’s an anti-romantic comedy.
  2. Comment on the first meeting scene between Raina and Blumtschli & Evaluate Arms and the Afan as a problem play. Riders to the Sea
  3. Evaluate Maurya as a tragic character.
  4. Evaluate Riders to the Sea as a modern tragedy with classical setting The Lion and the Jewel
  5. Consider the correctness of the title of the drama The Lion and the Jewel”.
  6. How would you interpret Side’s decision to marry Barolo?
  7. How old is Captain Bluntschli? 4. What is professional ta Bluntschili?
  8. Why did Hluntschlienter Raina’s bedroom?
  9. Why does Raina not want to let Blunschli stay in her tom!
  10. Whom did Captain Bluntschli call Don Quixote?
  11. Who was Don Quixote?
  12. What an army!” – Who says this? 50. When docs Series higher-love” vanish? St. Who is Rain’s mother?
  13. Who is Look!
  14. What, according to Raina, is higher-love?
  15. From where did Raina derive her romantic ideas about Sergio’s?

SS, What was written at the back of the photograpla of Rama! Riders to the Sea

56 What kind of play is Riders to the Sea

  1. Who are the “Riders mentioned in the play Riders to the Sear?
  2. What is Galway fair?
  3. What is Galway fair famous for?
  4. What does the “Holy Water” signify!
  5. What is a Curragh? 62 What is Samhain? 63. What is Donegal?
  6. Who is Michael 65. Where did Michael buy the stick for his mother? 66. Where was the dead body of Michael found?
  7. Why does Maura want Hartley not to sail to Connemara? 68. How did Bartley die?
  8. What did the priest inform Cathleen and Nora? 70. How do Norse and Cathleen become sure about the clothes of Michael?
  9. How many sons did Maura have had and who were they?
  10. Who were the surviving children of Maura at the beginning of the play!
  11. Name the son of Maura who died in the sea 74. What were Maura’s last words?
  12. What is the message of “Riders to the Sea The Lion and the Jewel
  13. Who are the characters in The Light and the lee?
  14. Who is the newel” in The Lion and the Jewel 78 Who is Baraka?
  15. Who is Lacunae! 80. How old is Lacunae?
  16. Who is Side?
  17. Who is Sadiki?
  18. What is llujinle! 84. Who is the lost traveler?
  19. Why does Lacunae call Bazooka the voluptuous beast
  20. Of which village. Baraka was the village chief!
  21. Who is the madman of Lucile”
  22. Who is an illiterate goat in The Lion and the Jul
  23. Who consider himself to be a Christ figure!
  24. Why doe Side refuse to marry Lacunae without bride-price?

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Part-A: Brief Question with Answers
Early and Middle English Period

1. What is the period of old English literature?
What is the duration of Old English?
Ans. The duration of Old English Period is 450-1066.

2. What is the earliest literary work of Old English Period?
Ans. Beowulf is the earliest literary work of Old English Period.

3. When was Beowulf composed?
Ans. Beowulf was perhaps composed during the 9th century A. D. by someone whose name is not known.

4. Give the names of two Anglo-Saxon poems?
Ans. Beowulf and The Dream of the Rood are the finest examples of Anglo-Saxon poems.

5. Mention two popular Ballads of Middle English period.
Ans. “Sir Patrick Spens,” and “The Twa Corbies,” are two popular Ballads of Middle English period.

The Age of Chaucer

1. Where was Chaucer buried?
Ans. Geoffrey Chaucer was buried in ‘Poets’ Corner’, Westminster Abbey, London, England.

2. Who is Chaucer?
Ans. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) is called the of English poetry. He is the first great English poet. The Canterbury Tales is his original work and it is English through and through. He is the first rational English poet.

3. Name some contemporary poets of Chaucer.
Ans. William Langland and John Gower are contemporary poets of Chaucer.

4. What is Hundred Years’ War?
Ans. The name the Hundred Years’ War has been used by historians since the beginning of the nineteenth century to describe the long conflict that pitted the kings and kingdoms of France and England against each other from 1337 to 1453.

5. How many pilgrims were going to Canterbury Church?
Ans. Chaucer’s long poem The Canterbury Tales follows the journey of a group of pilgrims, 31 including Chaucer himself, from the Tabard Inn in Southwark to St Thomas à Becket’s shrine at Canterbury Cathedral.

Reformation Age

1. What is Protestantism?
Ans. Protestantism is the system of beliefs and teachings of the Protestants. In 1517 Martin Luther protested against the unprincipled and flippant practices that were disgracing religion. The Protestant demanded the independence of the Church.

2. Who was Cromwell?
Ans. Cromwell was a ruthless and unscrupulous politician. He has been deeply influenced by Machiavelli’s The Prime. Cromwell was appointed Lord Chancellor in place of Wolsey.

3. Who is Anne Boleyn?
Ans. Anneboleyn is the last wife of Henry VIII and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I.

4. What does “The Authorized Version of the Bible” mean?
Ans. The Authorized Version of The Bible or King James’ Version was the translation of The Bible-The Old Testament and The New Testament. It was published in 1611.

5. When was “The Authorized Version of the Bible” published?
Ans. The AuthorizedVersionof the Bible was published in 1611. It is a grand achievement of Elizabethan literature.

Elizabethan, Jacobean and Puritan Age

1. What is Paradise Lost?
Ans. The Paradise Lost is a great epic written by John Milton. It is regarded as the first great modern epic and Milton remains the first and the greatest modern epic poet in English.

2. Who was the father of Queen Elizabethan I?
Ans. Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII by his second wife, Anne Boleyn.

3. What is renaissance?
Ans. The Renaissance implies a sort of rebirth, rather resurgence. It was related to a general cultural renewal in Western Europe in the 15th century. The Renaissance spread from Italy to France, Spain rather late to England.

4. Name some tragedies by Shakespeare.
Ans. Shakespeare wrote a number of tragedies. Hamlet, Othello King Lear and Macbeth are called the four great tragedies of Shakespeare. Julius Caeser, Timon of Athens etc are also Shakespeare’s tragedies.

5. Name some comedies by Shakespeare.
Ans. Shakespeare wrote a number of comedies. Some of them are-A Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night etc.

Restoration Period

1. When did the Restoration take place and who was restored to English Throne?
Ans. Restoration took place in 1660.

2. Which age is known as Augustan Age in English Literature?
Ans. Neo-classical age (1702 – 1745) is known as Augustan Age in English literature.

3. Why is 18th century English literature called Augustan age?
Ans. 18 century English literature called Augustan age because writers at this time greatly admired their Roman counterparts, imitated their works and frequently drew parallels between contemporary world and the age of the Roman emperor Augustus (27 AD-BC 14).

4. What is comedy of manners?
Ans. Comedy of manners is used as a synonym of Restoration comedy. It refers to the English comedies written and performed in the Restoration period from 1660 to 1710.

5. Name some writers of comedy of manners, restoration comedy restoration diary.
Ans. William Congreve, John Vanbrugh, George Etherege, William Wycherley etc.

Neoclassical Age

1. What do you know by neo-classicism?
Ans. The period in English literary history extending from 1660 to 1789 and covering the ages of Dryden, Pope and Dr. Johnson is variously called the Classical Age-or the Neo-classical Age- or the Pseudo-Classical Age.

2. Which age is called the “Neo-classical Age” in English literature?
Ans. The Neo-classical Age in English literature begins from the Restoration period and extends to the eighteenth century literature dominated by Pope. Doctor Jonson etc.

3. Which age is called the pseudo-classical Age?
Ans. The period in English literary history extending from 1660 to 1789 and covering the Ages of Dryden, Pope and Dr. Johnson is variously called the classical, or the Neo-classical age or the pseudo-classical Age.

4. What is “Heroic couplet”?
Ans. The heroic couplet means the lines of iambic pentametre which rhyme in pairs: aa, bb, cc and so on. The objective ‘heroic’ was applied in the later 17th century because of the use of such couplets in epic or heroic poems, and in heroic dramas.

5. What is “Absalom and Achitophel”?
Ans. Absalom and Achitophel is a political satire. It is Dryden’s campaign against the anti-royalist Whig leader in the guise of a diverting satire. The main butt of his political denunciation was Lord Shaftsbury, an eminent Whig leader and schemer.

Romantic Age

1. What is romanticism?
Ans. Romanticism is a literary movement/ism against the rigid rules of classical and neoclassical literature and a return to the literary ideals of the Elizabeths.

2. What is Ballad?
Ans. Ballad is a poem based on folk tradition. It tells a simple story that appeals to the emotion of wander and fear. It uses fashion or archaic words. It teaches a lesson.

3. What is ‘Lyrical Ballads’?
Ans. “Lyrical Ballads” is a book of poems that contains 19 poems by Wordsworth and Coleridge. Romantic age begins with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798.

4. Why is the romantic age called an age of “The return to nature”?
Ans. Romantic Age is called the age of the return to nature because the poets of the age dealt with the nature and rejected 18th century poetry of social criticism.

5. Name some French philosophers who influenced the Romantics.
Ans. French philosophers Godwin and Rosseau influenced the Romantics.

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Victorian Age

1. What is the duration of Victorian age?
Ans. Victorian age falls in between 1830 and 1880. Queen Victoria was the queen of great Britain. She ruled over the British isles. Under her dynamic leadership, English society developed. She was a great patron of art and literature.

2. Who was the major poets of Victorian age?
Ans. The major Victorian poets are Lord Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, E.B. Browning, Matthew Arnold because they have reflected the spirits of the Victorian era in their works.

3. Why is Victorian age called an age of faith and doubt?
Ans. Victorian age witnessed the conflict between science and religion. There was controversy between different political ideologies. It was an age of diverse doctrines. The authors of the age reflected the tendencies of the age in their works and try to bring about reconciliation between these controversial ideas of the age. Hence, the age is known as the age of faith and doubt.

4. What is ‘The Oxford Movement’?
Ans. It was a movement within the Church of England, originating at Oxford University in 1833, that sought to link the Anglican Church more closely to the Roman Catholic Church.

5. Who was the leader of Oxford Movement?
Ans. John Henry Cardinal Newman was the founder of: “Oxford Movement”. He tried to establish the supremacy of Catholicism and bring about a new life to Anglican Church.

Modern Age

1. When does the modern age begin?
Ans. Modern age falls in between 1890 and 1960. Modern age is an outcome of Victorian age. At the end of Victorian age we trace the beginning of modern age.

2. What do you understand by modernism?
Ans. Modernism refers to the doctrine or ‘isms’ of modern age. The literature of modern age reflects new tendencies and changes in society, politics, technology, and religion. In other words, the new isms of 20th century such as realism, naturalism, feminism, existentialism, transcendentalism, surrealism etc. are known as isms of modern age.

3. What is Boer war? When does it begin?
Ans. Boer war took place between 1899 and 1902. It brought about a change in imperialism. The imperial power realised the need for the reformation of social problem. It brought about a reawakening of social consciousness.

4. Who are called Georgian poets?
Ans. The important poets of the Georgian era are—Robert Brooke, Edmund Blundel, Walter Delamare. However, the poem of Eliot’s The Waste Land puts an end to Georgian poetry. Georgian poetry shows a nostalgia for countryside, Eliot’s poetry shows a nostalgia for city life.

5. Whose drama is called the “drama of ideas”?
Ans. George Bernard Shaw’s dramas are categorised as drama of ideas.

[ বি:দ্র: উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]

Part-B : Short Questions
Early and Middle English Period

1. Old English Ballads.
2. Middle English romances.
3. Remarkable events of the Middle Age.
4. What do you know about King Alfred?
5. Write a short note on “Beowulf”.

The Age of Chaucer

1. Black Death.
2. Peasants’ Revolt.
3. Piers the Plowman.
4. What is “Canterbury Tales”?

Reformation Age

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1. Write a short note on Reformation.
2. Protestantism.
3. Authorized Version of the Bible.
4. Thomas More’s Utopia.
5. Write a short note on Anglicancism.


Elizabethan, Jacobean and Puritan Age

1. Renaissance.
2. Humanism.
3. What are the characteristics of revenge tragedy?
4. What were the causes for the rise of Puritan Age? / What do you know about the Puritan Age.
5. Write in brief about Paradise Lost.

Restoration Period

1. Blank-verse tragedy.
2. Heroic couplet.
3. Write about restoration Comedy of Manners.
4. All for Love.
5. Hudibras.

Neoclassical Age

1. Write a short note on: Neo-Classicism.
2. Who is Sir Roger de Coverly?
3. What do you know about “The Coverley Papers”?
4. The Spectator.
5. Gothic Novel.

Romantic Age

1. Write a brief note on ‘Lyrical Ballads’.
2. Coleridge’s “Willing suspension of disbelief”.
3. Why is Keats called a 19th century Greek poet?
4. Keats’s Negative Capability.
5. Why is Charles Lamb called the prince of English essayist.

Victorian Age

1. What do you mean by Victorianism?
2. Why is Tennyson called a poet of Victorian Compromise?
3. Write a note on the women novelists of the Victorian Age.
4. Tennyson.
5. In Memoriam.

Modern Age

1. Modernism.
2. What are the main trends of modern poetry?
3. Symbolist Movement.
4. Georgian poetry.
5. Drama of ideas.

Part-C : Broad Questions

1. What picture of the Anglo-Saxon life do you get in Beowulf? / German life and manners.
2. What do you know about Norman Conquest and its effect on English literature?

The Age of Chaucer

1. Why is Chaucer called the father of English poetry? Chaucer’s contribution to English literature.
2. Discuss the three stages of Chaucer’s poetic development / career of Chaucer as a poet.
3. What picture of 18th century life and society do you find in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales?
4. Discuss Chaucer as a representative poet of his age.

Elizabethan, Jacobean and Puritan Age

1. Discuss the main features of Renaissance / Elizabethan drama?
2. Account for the decline of drama during the Jacobean Period.
3. Trace the development of English prose in Jacobean Age.
4. Discuss the literary features of the age of Milton.
5. Write a note on the influence of “Humanism” on English literature.

Restoration Period

1. Evaluate the prose satirist of the Restoration age.
2. What social and political aspects of the restoration period are reflected in the play of William Congreve?
3. Write an essay on the Restoration comedy of manners.
4. What is restoration? Discuss the historical and political background of the age.

Neoclassical Age

1. Discuss the main trends of the Neo-classical age focusing on the satirical tone of Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift.
2. Discuss the general characteristics of the poetry of the Neoclassical age.
3. Why is the Neo-classical age called the Age of prose and reason? Explain with reference to Defoe and Swift.
4. Write a note on Pope’s works and contribution to the neo-classical age.

2024 জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের এর 2024 অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস পরীক্ষার সাজেশন, 2024 অনার্স দ্বিতীয় বর্ষ ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস সাজেশন

Romantic Age

1. Consider the Romantic Movement as a “return to Nature”.
2. Discuss the salient features / important characteristics of Romanticism in the works of the major romantic poets.
3. “Romanticism differs from classicism”—How?
4. Describe the major Romantic poets and their contribution to English poetry.
5. Examine the influence of the French Revolution on Romantic poetry.

Victorian Age

1. Mention the characteristics of the Victorian Age.
2. Survey the prominent literary trends of the Victorian age.
3. Comment on major Victorian poets and their contributions as the representatives of their age.
4. Comment on the characteristics and contributions of two male and two female Victorian novelists.
5. Consider Tennyson as a representative poet of the Victorian age.

Modern Age

1. Write about the main novelists of the 20th century English literature.
2. What social picture do you notice in the modern poetry?
3. How is the modern life reflected in modern poetry?
4. Discuss the major differences between the novels of the Victorian age and those of the Modern Period.
5. Discuss the salient features of modern poetry.

Honors 2nd year Common Suggestion 2024

আজকের সাজেশান্স: Honors History of English Literature Suggestion 2024,ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন 2024

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