4. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage. 1×5=5
Humayun was the eldest son of Babur. He was born in 1508 and breathed his last in 1556. He was appointed the governor of Badakshan at the age of 20. On the eve of the battle of Panipath in 1526, he was sent against Hamid Khan who was defeated near Hissar Firoza. One year after he was sent to Badakshan. He returned to Agra in 1529. After the death of Babur, Humayun ascended the throne on December 30, 1530. Humayun had to face many difficulties at the time of his accession to the throne. One year after the death of his father he be seized the fort of Kalingjar. The seize lasted for many months and Humayun was forced to make peace. He defeated the Afgans in August 1532 in the battle of Dadrash. After defeating the Afghans, he be seized the fort of Chunar under Sher Khan in the same year. The seize lasted four months starting from September. He accepted a purely perfunctory submission there. Alter his return from Chunar, Humayun wasted two years in feasts and festivities at Agra and Delhi.

5. Write a summary of the above passage in your own words. 10
6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ to write five complete sentences. 5

7. Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. Only the corresponding numbers of the sentences need to be written. 1×8=8
(a) Hojja was quite curious.
(b) So he climbed from the roof down the stairs.
(c) As he came near the man said that he wanted some financial help.
(d) He saw there a man standing at the foot of the stairs.
(e) The man was asking him to get down and listen to him.
(f) He thought that the man had something important to say.
(g) Suddenly he saw someone calling from below.
(h) One day Nasiruddin Hojja was mending a hole on the roof of his two-storey house.
4. (a) 1556; (b) after the death of Babur; (c) defeated the Afgans; (d) wasted two years; (e) At Agra and Delhi
5. Humayun was the eldest son of Babur. He was born in 1508. He was appointed the governor of Badakshan at the age of 20. After the death of Babur, Humayun ascended the throne on December 30, 1530. Humayun had to face a number of difficulties at the time of his accession to the throne. He had to take some major decisions regarding the seize of the fort of Kalingjar and the fort of Chunar. After his return from Chunar, Humayun spent two lavish years at Agra and Delhi.
6. (a) Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite instituted Nobel Prize.
(b) Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding contributions in different fields.
(c) The recipient of the prize gets a gold medal, a certificate and a large sum of money.
(d) The winners of the Nobel Prize are treated with respect all over the world.
(e) Dr. Yunus has been awarded Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006.

One day Nasiruddin Hojja was mending a hole on the roof of his two-storey house. Suddenly he saw someone calling from below. He saw there a man standing at the foot of the stairs. The man was asking him to get down and listen to him. He thought that the man had something important to say. Hojja was quite curious. So he climbed from the roof down the stairs. As he came near, the man said that he wanted some financial help.
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