Honors 3rd Year Introduction to Literary Criticism Suggestion 2025
Honors 3rd Year Introduction to Literary Criticism Suggestion, Introduction to Literary Criticism Suggestion PDF, short suggestion Honors 3rd year Introduction to Literary Criticism, Introduction to Literary Criticism suggestion Honors 3rd year, Suggestion Honors 3rd year Introduction to Literary Criticism,
অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা সাজেশন,সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষ সাজেশন, চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা, অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা ব্যতিক্রম সাজেশন pdf, অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১০০% কমন সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা সাজেশন,
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অনার্স পাস এবং সার্টিফিকেট কোর্স ৩য় বর্ষের BA, BSS, BBA & BSC অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের [২০১৩-১৪ এর সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী] সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা (Introduction to Literary Criticism ) সুপার সাজেশন Department of : English & Other Department Subject Code: 231113 |
2025 এর অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১০০% কমন সাজেশন |
অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের পরীক্ষার সাজেশন 2025 (PDF) লিংক
সর্বশেষ সংশোধিত ও সাজেশন টি আপডেটের করা হয়েছে 2025
Introduction to Literary Criticism Suggestion PDF 2025
Part-A: Brief Questions with Answers
1. What was the nick-name of Aristotle?
Ans. His nick-name was Stagirite. As he was born at Stagira, Pope gave him that nick-name.
2. What was the name of the school founded by Aristotle?
Ans. The name of the school founded by Aristotle was the Lyceum.
3. What is Poetics?
Ans. Poetics is a treatise on literature/art.
4. What was the purpose of writing Poetics?
Ans. The purpose of writing poetry is to reply to Plato’s attack on poetry and to set aright the nature and function of literature.
5. How does Aristotle define poetry?
Ans. Aristotle defines poetry as a kind of ‘imitation’.
An Apology for Poetry
1. What is An Apologie for Poetrie?
Ans. An Apologie for Poetrie is a critical book on poetry and drama written by Sir Philip Sidney, a poet, critic and politician in the Elizabethan Age.
2. What is the title of the book given by its writer?
Ans. Sidney titled the book In Defence of Poesie.
3. What does the title, An Apologie for Poetrie, mean?
Ans. The title, An Apologie for Poetrie, means begging pardon for writing poetry.
4. What is the name of the book written by Stephen Gosson in which he attacked poetry?
Ans. The School of Abuse.
5. How does Gosson attack poetry in his book?
Ans. Gosson condemned poetry as immoral and mischievous leading youngmen to committing sin.
Preface to Shakespeare
1. What is a Preface?
Ans. A preface is an author’s introductory remarks at the beginning of a book.
2. Who is Shakespeare?
Ans. Shakespeare is the greatest poet-dramatist of English terature.
3. What does antiquity serve in criticism?
Ans. Antiquity is always considered as a quality to judge a writer.
4. How can we judge an author of the past?
Ans. We can judge an author of the past by the continuation of regard and esteem through the ages.
5. What type of characters does Shakespeare present in his dramas?
Ans. Shakespeare presents characters who do not belong to any particular country, place or custom but are the real progeny of common humanity.
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Introduction to Literary Criticism Honors 3rd Year Suggestion PDF 2025
Preface to Lyrical Ballads
1. What is Lyrical Ballads?
Ans. Lyrical Ballads is a collection of poems written by Wordsworth and Coleridge jointly in a kind of style opposed to the contemporary taste and manners.
2. What is a ballad?
Ans. A ballad is a song or an episode or a simple story, transmitted orally.
3. What is the Preface to Lyrical Ballads?
Ans. It is a prose-work written by William Wordsworth as a preface to the poetical work named, Lyrical Ballads jointly written by himself and Coleridge.
4. How many times did Wordsworth write the preface?
Ans. Wordsworth wrote the Preface five times: 1798, 1800, 1802, 1805 and 1815.
5. What is the speciality of Preface to Lyrical Ballads published in 1802?
Ans. It is added with an appendix on poetic diction.
PDF Download সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষ সুপার সাজেশন 2025
Biographia Literaria
1. What is Biographia Literaria?
Ans. It is a book on literary criticism or literary aesthetics.
2. What does the title Biographia Literaria mean?
Ans. The title means the literary biography but it actually is the biographical sketches of Coleridge’s literary life and opinions.
3. What is the theme of the chapter IV of Biographia Literaria?
Ans. To defend the poems of Wordsworth published in Lyrical Ballads from the unjust evaluation of the critics and to find out the genuine qualities of these poems are the theme of chapter IV.
4. Who is Robert Southey?
Ans. Robert Southey (1774-1843) is a great poet contemporary to Wordsworth and Coleridge.
5. What is the ‘New School of Poetry’ referred to in chapter IV?
Ans. ‘The New School of Poetry’ is a term given by the critics falsely to the poems of Southey, Coleridge and Wordsworth.
[ বি:দ্র: উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]
Part B: Short Questions
1. What is imitation?
2. Analyze Aristotle’s definition of tragedy?
3. What are the requirements of tragedy in the view of Aristotle?
4. What is plot? What are the kinds of plot?
5. What kind of plot does Aristotle recommend for tragedy? How far is it accepted?
An Apology for Poetry
1. What is the most antique form of art?
2. Discuss the moving power of poetry.
3. What does Sidney say about the condition of English drama in his time?
4. How is English language better suited to the use of versification and rhyme?
5. What are the four objections raised against poetry in ‘An Apology Poetry’?
Preface to Shakespeare
1. Evaluate Dr. Johnson as a critic of Shakespeare.
2. Shakespeare’s dramas, according to Dr. Johnson, lack in moral purpose. Do you agree?
3. Why is Shakespeare called “the poet of nature” by Johnson?
4. Write a short note on Johnson’s edition of Shakespeare’s plays.
5. What does Johnson say about Shakespeare’s violation of the unities?
Preface to Lyrical Ballads
1. What was the aim of Wordsworth in writing Preface to the Lyrical Ballads?
2. According to Wordsworth, what is the connection between good poetry and feelings?
3. Why was Wordsworth revolt against the 18th century poetry?
4. Why does Wordsworth select rustic materials for his poetry?
5. Why did Wordsworth speak of a selection of language to be used in poetry?
Biographia Literaria
1. What is ‘Fancy’ and “Imagination”? / Describe Coleridge’s views on Fancy and Imagination.
2. How did Coleridge define a poem.
3. How does Coleridge differentiate a poem from poetry?
4. What is the role of metre or rhyme in the composition of poetry?
5. How does Coleridge objects of Wordsworth’s practice in poetry? What is Coleridge’s objection to Wordsworth’s selection of characters in his poems?
Honors 3rd Year Introduction to Literary Criticism Suggestion 2025
Short Notes
1. Catharsis
2. Tragedy
3. Comedy
4. Tragic Flaw
5. Deus Ex Machina
6. Sidney’s Opinion on The antiquity of Poetry
7. Platonic influence on Sidney’s Apologie for Poetrie ham
8. Sidney’s ‘Vates’ and Poets
9. Sidney’s Observation on Chaucer
10. Johnson and the unities
Part C: Broad Questions
1. Critically discuss Aristotle’s theory of mimesis with reference to his Poetics.
2. What is Aristotle’s view about an ideal tragic hero?
3. Why does Aristotle prefer complex plot to simple plot for tragedy?
4. Write a note on Aristotle’s concept of unity of action with reference to his theory. Did Aristotle insist on three unities of drama?
5. Critically discuss Aristotle’s definition of tragedy?
6. Why does Aristotle mention plot as ‘The soul of a tragedy’? Discuss in the light of Poetics.
An Apology for Poetry
1. Discuss Sydney’s view on the antiquity and universality of poetry.
2. Give your comment on Sydney’s view on the functions of poetry?
3. What charges are brought against poetry and how does Sydney defend those?
Preface to Shakespeare
1. What the merits of Shakespeare for which Johnson admires him so much? / Shakespeare as a poet of nature.
2. How does Johnson defend Shakespeare’s mixing of comic and tragic elements?
3. Give your comment on Johnson as a critic of Shakespeare?
4. What, according to Shakespeare, are the faults of Shakespeare?
5. Are you convinced with Dr. Johnson’s opinion about the faults of Shakespeare? Elaborate your answer with reference from ‘The Preface to Shakespeare’.
Preface to Lyrical Ballads
1. What does Wordsworth say about the language of poetry in Preface to Lyrical Ballads?
2. How does Wordsworth appear as a poet of common man in his “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”?
3. Why is Wordsworth’s “Prefece to Lyrical Ballads” considered the manifesto to the Romantic Movement?
4. Discuss in detail about Wordsworth’s views on the choice of the language and the subject of poetry.
Biographia Literaria
1. What are the major objections of Coleridge to Wordsworth’s poetry?
2. Elucidate Coleridge’s theory of poetry.
2025 জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের এর 2025 অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা পরীক্ষার সাজেশন, 2025 অনার্স তৃতীয় বর্ষ সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা সাজেশন
Honors 3rd year Common Suggestion 2025
আজকের সাজেশস: অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের সাহিত্য সমালোচনার ভূমিকা স্পেশাল সাজেশন 2025,Honors Introduction to Literary Criticism Suggestion 2025