Honors 3rd Year 16th and 17th Century Poetry Suggestion 2025
Honors 3rd Year 16thand 17thCentury Poetry Suggestion, 16th and 17th Century Poetry Suggestion PDF, short suggestion Honors 3rd year 16th and 17th Century Poetry, 16th and 17th Century Poetry suggestion Honors 3rd year, Suggestion Honors 3rd year 16th and 17th Century Poetry
অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা সাজেশন,১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষ সাজেশন, চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা, অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা ব্যতিক্রম সাজেশন pdf, অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১০০% কমন ১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা সাজেশন,
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অনার্স পাস এবং সার্টিফিকেট কোর্স ৩য় বর্ষের BA, BSS, BBA & BSC অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের [২০১৩-১৪ এর সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী] ১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা (16th and 17th Century Poetry) সুপার সাজেশন Department of : English & Other Department Subject Code: 231103 |
2025 এর অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১০০% কমন সাজেশন |
অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের পরীক্ষার সাজেশন 2025 (PDF) লিংক
সর্বশেষ সংশোধিত ও সাজেশন টি আপডেটের করা হয়েছে 2025
16th and 17th Century Poetry Suggestion PDF 2025
Part-A: Brief Questions with Answers
Edmund Spenser
1. How was Spenser influenced by the protestant religion?
Ans: While studying at Cambridge, Spenser came under the influence of the strong protestant spirit which then pervaded the university.
2. What kind of poem is The Faerie Queen?
Ans: The Faerie Queen is an allegorical poem.
3. What stanza form and rhyme scheme did Spenser invent for the Composition of the Faerie Queen?
Ans: The stanza form, invent by Spenser for the Composition of The Faerie Queen is known as ‘Spenserian Stanza’. It consists of nine lines in iambic metres rhyming as ababbcbcc. The first eight lines are in pentameters and the final line is an hexameter called Alexandrine.
4. Why is The Faerie Queen called a romantic epic?
Ans: The Faerie Queen exhibits the heroic deeds of war, love and adventures centering round the historical figure of Prince Arthur As it combines both romantic and epic qualities, it is called a romantic epic or epic of chivalry and romance.
5. What religious allegory do you to trace in The Faerie Queen?
Ans: The religious allegory in The Faerie Queen deals with the important religious event of the contemporary age. Here the Red Cross Knight stands for the reformat Church of England, fighting the corruption, pride, and manifold evils of Papacy, paganism and Catholicism as represented by the foul Dragon for the monster Error.
6. Whom does the poet invoke in The Faerie Queen?
Ans: Spencer at the beginning of The Faerie Queen prays to Clio, the Muse Of history for her help in writing his poem. He also appeals to Cupid, Venus and Mars for their patronage in writing the romantic epic.
7. Who is the noble Briton Prince?
Ans: Prince Arthur was the noble Briton prince whom the world had been looking for so long. He was represented by the Earl of Leicester who was in love with Queen Elizabeth I and wanted to marry her.
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16th and 17th Century Poetry Honors 3rd Year Suggestion PDF 2025
John Donne
1. What is metaphysical poetry?
Ans: Metaphysical poetry Men’s poetry dealing with metaphysical subject like the nature of the universe The movement of the stars and planets the correction of man and his relation with the universe the nature of soul and its function in the body made a flesh and blood and the whale relationship of man with God.
2. Bring out the main features of metaphysical poetry?
Ans: Metaphysical poetry is generally Market by such characteristics as wit, conceit, ratiocination, blend of emotion and intellect use of hyperboles, imagery, expression in dramatic and colloquial tones.
3. Define a metaphysical wit.
Ans: Wit is a clever and humorous Exposition but in metaphysical sense it is the saying of fine sparkling things which startle and amuse. It is the perception of similarity in dissimilarity. For example in donne’s poem “The sun rising”, we find a wonderful wit. “She’s all states, and all princes, I Nothing else is”
4. What is ‘metaphysical conceit’?
Ans: metaphysical conceit is a figure of speech in which two vastly different objects are likened together with the help of similes or metaphors.
Honors 3rd Year 16th and 17th Century Poetry Suggestion 2025
I. The Sun Rising
1. What is the Dem of the poem “The Sun Rising”?
Ans: “The Sun Rising” is a love-lyric showing the self sufficient nature of love. The pair of lovers concentrate within themselves all the glory and riches of the outside world.
2. What is Donne’s view on love in this poem?
Ans: Donne’s view on love in this poem cannot be termed definitely platonic or sensual, rather a mixture of both. According to him, love must be based on both body and soul.
3. How can the poet bedim/ eclipse/ shun the brightness of sun?
Ans: The poet lover tells the sun that if he so desires, he can bedim all its brightness by a wink and suggests the possibility of the brightness of his beloved’s eyes having blinded its own.
[ বি:দ্র: উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]
4. What does the poet compare his beloved to?
Ans: The poet compares his beloved to the spices found in East Indies and to the valuable metals and stones found in West Indies. She is as fragrant as the spices of East Indies and as rich and valuable as the gold mines of West Indies.
5. What does the poet compare his bedroom Q and why?
Ans: The poet compares his bedroom to a world, because he is believed and he stand for all the states and Princes of the world, and thus the world has been reduced to a pair of lovers lying in their bedroom.
6. How, according to the poet, can the sun by shining in their bedroom, shine the whole world?
And: The bed on which the poet and his sweet heart are lyning, is the whole world to them. So the sun by shining in their bedroom only, it can shine the whole world, because their bedroom is the epitome of the whole world.
7. How has the poet brought macrocosm into a microcosm?
Ans: According to Donne, the bedroom of the lovers constitutes the centre of the Universe and the four walls, the sphere within which the sun revolves (according to Ptolemic system of cosmology). The poet here his brought macrocosm into microcosm.
Honors 16th and 17th Century Poetry Suggestion 2025
II. A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
1. What does the word ‘valediction’ mean?
Ans: Valediction is an act of bidding farewell.
2. Why does the poet forbid his beloved to mourn?
Ans: The poem, ‘‘A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning’’ reveals the fact that temporary separation cannot cause a breach of perfect love. Absence extends the domain and expanse of love. That is why mourning is prohibited, because love is eternal.
3. How does the poet urge his wife to allow him to go?
Ans: Donne urges he is wife to let him go like virtuous people who very quality Bing down train list of death.
4. What does Donne compare his separation from his beloved to?
Ans: Donne compares his separation from his beloved to the trepidation of the heavenly bodies which remain totally unfelt by the people of the world. So also their parting should be peaceful and harmless.
5. What is the nature of love between the poet and his beloved?
Ans: The love between the poet and his beloved is spiritual and refined. They are so confident of and faithful to each other’s soul that physical separation does not matter at all to them.
6. What does the poet compare their two souls to?
Ans: the poet compares their two souls, one of himself and the other of his beloved, to the two feet of a compass, which appear to be separate but are in reality united at the top. The beloved who stays at home, may be likened to it’s fixed foot, which does not seem to move, but which moves in reality, if the other foot moves.
7. What instrument does the poet compare his beloved to and why?
Ans: The poet compares his beloved to the foot of the compass which remains fixed at the centre. But it leans and follows the other foot when it moves and grows erect and unites with the moving foot when it returns to the starting point after completing the circle.
2025 জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের এর 2025 অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা পরীক্ষার সাজেশন, 2025 অনার্স তৃতীয় বর্ষ ১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা সাজেশন
IV. The Canonization
1. What do you mean by the term ‘Canonization’?
Ans: According to Chrsitianity, the term ‘Canonization’ means to proclaim a person to be a saint after his death by a canon law, and to be fully honoured as such.
2. “For God’s sake hold your tongue, and let me love”_ Who does the poet say this to and why?
Ans: Donne says this to some friend of his, who is trying to dissuade him from making love to his beloved.
3. How does Donne prove/ argue that his love is harmless/ innocent?
Ans: Donne employs hyperbolical expressions to prove that nobody or nothing is affected by his love – making. He says that his sighs have not drowned any merchant’s ship, his tears, shed out of love, have not flooded any farmer’s land is colds have never and coming of the spring passion caused by love, has never led to a disease like plague and thus added to the number of the dead.
4. How does the poet make a defence of/ or justify his love- making by citing the examples of soldiers and lawyers?
Ans: To justify his love -making, the poet says that the fighting instinct of soldiers has not been disturbed in the least nor the lawyers busy with litigation, prevented from their practice by his love -affair.
5. What do you mean by the expression “The Phoenix riddle”?
Ans: The phoenix is a mythical bird. It is said that only one such bird exists at a time and when its life- term of 500 years is over, it burns itself on a burning pyre and then renews itself from its own ashes.
6. What does the phoenix symboliza?
Ans: The phoenix symbolizes the immortality of the love of the poet and his beloved.
7. What do the dove and the eagle symboliza?
Or, Why does the poet compare himself and his beloved to the eagle and the dove?
Ans: The eagle, a bird of prey, symbolizes strength, while the dove stands for peace or gentleness. The Poet compares them (himself and his beloved) to the eagle and the dove, because both of them are violent and gentle and prey on each other. Donne used these symbols to indicate their carnal desire.
Honors 3rd year Common Suggestion 2025
আজকের সাজেশস: অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের ১৬ এবং ১৭ শতকের কবিতা স্পেশাল সাজেশন 2025,Honors 16th and 17th Century Poetry Suggestion 2025