এইচএসসি প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র Grammar (60 Marks)

Part A


(60 Marks)

1.  Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.    0.5×10=5

    We know (a) — man is (b) — rational creature. It is (c) — rationality in him which makes him (d) — different species. He can differentiate between (e) — right and (f) — wrong. This is why, (g) — man is considered (h) — best creation of (i) — Creator of (j) — universe.

2.  Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.  0.5×10=5

    The cyber cafe is a place teeming (a) — information. It is a network (b) — all networks. It is a place (c) — computers (d) — which customers can use the Internet and send emails and so on. A cyber cafe is closely associated (e) — Internet communication system. A customer sitting (f) — the cafe can communicate (g) — people (h) — the world. In fact, it is not prejudicial (i) — our development and essential (j) — easier communication.

3.  Complete the following sentences with suitable words/phrases.   0.5×10=5

let alonewas borntherewhat is it likewhat if
has toitas ifwhat does ………. look likehad better

    (a) He treats me — I were his younger brother. Actually he is one of my distant relatives.

    (b) Rima is a daughter of poor parents. She has no private tutor. So, she — study hard.

    (c) — was a stormy night. It was raining also.

    (d) I cannot ride a bike, — car. I have no money to buy any of these two things.

    (e) Victor Hugo is a famous French novelist and dramatist. He — in 1802.

    (f) Samira, — a kangaroo —? 

    (g) Today is holiday. — going to the zoo?

    (h) You are not attentive to your study. — you fail in the exam?

    (i) You — cross the river at this moment. The river is very rough now.

    (j) — flows a river by our village. We often swim in it.

4.  Complete the following sentences using suitable clause/phrase. 0.5×10=5

    (a) The poem is too difficult —. But Moon memorized the whole poem.

    (b) We voted for him —. He was elected as a chairman.

    (c) The judge pronounced —. A hue and cry is created in the court.

    (d) Unless —, I will go back home.

    (e) Hazrat Omar (R) went out — an ordinary man. He was a good ruler.

    (f) You have helped me in my danger. I assure you —.

    (g) Work hard lest —.

    (h) It is a very hard nut —. We should try to solve it together.

    (i) It is high time —. Don’t waste your time.

    (j) No sooner had — than the thief ran away.

5.  Read the following text and fill in the gaps with correct form of verbs.        0.5×10=5

    The Language Movement of 1952 (a) — (be) the main inspiration that led to our War of Liberation and (b) — (give) birth to Bangladesh. Dr. Shahidullah (c) — (play) an important role in initiating the freedom movement. He was not a politician, though he strongly (d) — (protest) the then Pakistan government’s decision to (e) — (impose) Urdu as a state language on the Bengali people. He (f) — (inspire) the people with his articles and speeches. He reasoned that Pakistan (g) — (can) not use Islam as a weapon to (h) — (subjugate) Bangalis. This reasoning (i) — (motivate) the nationalistic-minded Bangali people (j) — (live) in the turbulent times.



    a) ×    b) a  

    c) ×        d) a  

    e) the      f)  the  

    g) ×        h) the  

    i) the       j)  the


    a) with     b) of  

    c) of       d) by  

    e) with     f) at 

    g) with     h) of  

    i)   to    j) for


    a) as if       

    b) has to   

    c) It      

    d) let alone  

    e) was born   

    f) What does a kangaroo look like?   

    g) What is it like  

    h) What if  

    i) had better not    

    j) There

4.  a) to be memorized     b) as he was an honest candidate  

    c) the death sentence of the murderer  

    d) I get the job   

    e) in the disguise of     f) of my help   

    g) you should fail   

    h) to crack   

    i) to utilize time   

    j) the police arrived


    a) was     

    b) gave   

    c) played      

    d) protested  

    e) impose 

    f) inspired     g) could       

    h) subjugate   

    i) motivated      

    j) living


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