অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক সাজেশন,অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সাজেশন

চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক, অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের ১০০% কমন অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক সাজেশন,

অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক সাজেশন 2025

জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অনার্স পাস এবং সার্টিফিকেট কোর্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের
BA, BSS, BBA & BSC অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের
[২০১৩-১৪ এর সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী]
অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক (Classics in Translation) সুপার সাজেশন
Department of : English & Other Department
Subject Code: 241113
২০২৫ এর অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের ১০০% কমন সাজেশন

অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক সাজেশন,অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সাজেশন, চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক, অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক ব্যতিক্রম সাজেশন pdf, অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের ১০০% কমন অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক সাজেশন,

অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের পরীক্ষার সাজেশন ২০২৫ (PDF) লিংক

সর্বশেষ সংশোধিত ও সাজেশন টি আপডেটের করা হয়েছে ২০২৫

অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সাজেশন 2025

Part-A : Brief Question with Answer
The Iliad

1. Who was Homer?
Ans. Homer was the ancient Greek poet who composed two great epics.

2. Who is the chief protagonist of the epic Iliad?
Ans. The chief protagonist of the Iliad is Achilles.

3. When did the battle of Troy happen?
Ans. The battle of Troy happened in the mid 12 century B.C.

4. What does the expression the ‘Trojan Cycle’ mean?
Ans. The bards created a series of poems called the ‘Trojan Cycle’ while retelling the folk tales.

5. How do you classify the epics?
Ans. Epics are classified into two main types, namely (a) Folk epic or primary epic and (b) Literary epic or secondary epic.


1. Who was the most successful playwright in A Greek victory over the Parsians?
Ans. After the Greek victory Aeschylus was the most successful playwright in Athens.

2. How many times did Aeschylus win first prize in drama competition?
Ans. Aeschylus won first prize in drama competitions thirteen times.

3. What were the different aspects of the theme of Aeschylus play ‘Agamemnon’?
Ans. The different aspects of theme of A ‘Agamemnon’ were different forms of justice, the gods, fate and social order.

4. What was the supreme message of all the Greek tragedies?
Ans. The supreme message of all the Greek tragedies is struggle of man against fate.

5. What part does nemesis play in Aeschylus plays?
Ans. In Aeschylus plays nemesis appears strongest as a prophetic, awful, mysterious and terribly revealed.


1. What is Medea?
Ans. ‘Medea’ is a tragedy based on the classical norm.

2. Why did Medea betray her father?
Ans. Medea betrayed her father as she fell in love with Jason. It was for the sake of her lover.

3. Why did Medea’s happiness come to an end?
Ans. After marriage Medea’s happiness came to an end as Jason secretly married princess Glance.

4. Who was Glauce?
Ans. Glauce was the princess, the daughter of king Creon.

5. Who was Creon?
Ans. Creon was the King of Corinth.

আরো ও সাজেশন:-

Honors Suggestion Linksপ্রশ্ন সমাধান সমূহ
Degree Suggestion LinksBCS Exan Solution
HSC Suggestion Links2016 – 2025 জব পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন উত্তর
SSC Suggestion Linksবিষয় ভিত্তিক জব পরিক্ষার সাজেশন

অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সুপার সাজেশন PDF Download 2025

The Frogs

1. What kind of a composition is The Frogs?
Ans. The Frogs is a Comedy based on the classical principles.

2. Who is the writer of The Frogs?
Ans. Aristophanes is the writer of this Comedy.

3. What part does Heracles play in The Frogs?
Ans. Heracles is a figure of authority who has been to the underwould. He argues with Dionysus that there are many better playwrights than Euripides.

4. Who is Charon?
Ans. Charon is the ferryman of Hades.

5. Who is Aeschylus?
Ans. Aeschylus is a remarkable playwright from Athens. Who wrote wonderful tragedies?


1. What was Hymettus?
Ans. Hymettus was a mountain of Attica, famous for its marble and honey.

2. What was Aphidnae?
Ans. Aphidnae was town near Marathon and after abducting Helen, Theseus hid her here.

3. What was Pyrenees?
Ans. Pyrenees was a high Chain of mountains between France and Spain.

4. What does Amazonian mean?
Ans. Amazonian means the son of an Amazon, one of the warrior tribe. He kept no connection with the opposite sex.

5. What is meant by Rock of Pallas?
Ans. Rock of Pallas is a tall mound dedicated to Athena, a virgin goddess.

Part-B : Short Questions
The Iliad

1. Who would you consider the protagonist of The Iliad? Give reasons.
2. Compare the characters of Achilles and Hector.
3. Discuss the involvement of Patroclus in the Trojan War.
4. Write a note on Homeric similes.
5. What was Queen Hecuba’s dream when she had conceived Pairs?


1. What is the guilt of Agamemnon that brings miseries in his life?
2. Trace the origin of the Greek tragedy with special reference to Aeschylus.
3. Discuss the importance of the opening scene of Agamemnon.
4. Write, in brief, about Aeschylus’s gods and goddesses.
5. Bring out the dramatic significance of the Red Carpet Episode in Agamemnon.

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1. What for did Medea kill her own children?
2. Is Medea a wife only, or also a mother? Discuss.
3. Why did Jason marry Glauce in ‘Medea’?
4. ‘Medea is more sinned against than sinning’ Justify the statement.
5. Write what you know about Jason.

The Frogs

1. What role does Pluto play in ‘The Frogs’?
2. Why did Aeschylus and Euripides attack each other? What was the result? How did Dionysus resolve the dispute between Aeschylus and Euripides?
3. What role does Dionysus play in ‘The Frogs’?
4. Do you consider Aristophanes as a satirist? If yes, why? / Bring out a few elements of satire from The Frogs.
5. What was Aristophanes attitude to women?

[ বি:দ্র: উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]


1. Discuss the pattern of life spent by Hippolytus. / Discuss the kind of life spent by Hippolytus.
2. What drives Phaedra to welcome death?
3. What role does the Nurse play in Phaedra?
4. How does Neptune fulfil Theseus’s prayer? / How did Hippolytus die? / Narrate the circumstances leading to the death of Hippolytus.
5. Discuss the role of the Chorus in Seneca’s play ‘Phaedra’.

Short Notes

1. Helen of Troy
2. Andromache
3. Iphigenia
4. House of Atreus
5. Dues Ex Machina
6. The Golden Fleece
7. Hippolytus
8. Hector
9. Aegisthus
10. The Chorus

2025 অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষ সাজেশন পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড

Part-C : Broad Questions
The Iliad

1. ‘The subject of The Iliad is the wrath of Achilles’-Discuss.
2. How does Homer delineate Olympian gods and goddesses in The Iliad?
3. What picture of society do you find in Homer’s ‘The Iliad’?
4. Write on Homer as a realist with reference to his epic poem The Iliad.
5. How does Homer delineate Olympian gods and goddesses in The Iliad?


1. Discuss the function of Chorus in the play Agamemnon.
2. Sketch the character of Clytemnestra.
3. Evaluate Agamemnon as a tragic hero.
4. How far is Agamemnon responsible for his tragedy?
5. Write a note on the use of dramatic irony in Agamemnon.


1. Discuss the dramatic significance of the death-scene of Glauce.
2. Consider ‘Medea’ as a revenge tragedy.
3. What role does the Chorus play in ‘Medea’?
4. Why does Jason turn from Medea to Glauce? What is its outcome? / Is Jason fully responsible for the tragedy of Medea?

The Frogs

1. Give an account of Dionysus’s journey to Hades.
2. Analyse the salient features of ‘The Frogs’ in the light of the definition of old comedy.
3. In ‘The Frogs’ Aristophanes criticises the intellectuals of his Town period.-Discuss.
4. How does Aristophanes blend satire and phantasy in The Frogs?
5. Frogs as comedy evokes laughter, it has no malice. Elucidate.


1. Write a note on the role of Chorus in Phaedra by Seneca. / How does Chorus contribute to the development of the plot in ‘Phaedra’?
2. Consider Phaedra as a tragedy of unrequited love.
3. Consider Phaedra as a revenge tragedy.
4. Do you agree to the view that Seneca’s ‘Phaedra’ is full of moral discourse? Give reason. / Is Seneca’s Phaedra a tragedy of passions? If so, why? / Sketch the character of Phaedra as a woman of high passion.
5. Do you think Phaedra is a tragic character?

২০২৫ জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের এর 2025 অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক পরীক্ষার সাজেশন, 2025 অনার্স চতুর্থ বর্ষ অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক সাজেশন

Honors 4th year Common Suggestion 2025

আজকের সাজেশস: অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের অনুবাদে ক্লাসিক স্পেশাল সাজেশন 2025,Honors Classics in Translation Suggestion 2025

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